Convention on Biological Diversity
- Convention on Biological Diversity
эк. прир. Конвенция о биологическом разнообразии
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Конвенция по сохранению биологического разнообразия
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Смотреть что такое "Convention on Biological Diversity" в других словарях:
Convention on Biological Diversity — Document The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), known informally as the Biodiversity Convention, is an international legally binding treaty. The Convention has three main goals: conservation of biological diversity (or biodiversity);… … Wikipedia
Convention on Biological Diversity — ▪ international treaty also called Biodiversity Treaty international treaty designed to promote the conservation of biodiversity and to ensure the sustainable use and equitable sharing of genetic resources. Work on the treaty concluded in … Universalium
Convention on Biological Diversity — Biologinės įvairovės konvencija statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis 1992 m. Rio de Žaneire priimta konvencija, kurios tikslas – saugoti biologinę įvairovę, užtikrinti tinkamą jos sudedamųjų dalių, genetinių išteklių naudojimą.… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Convention on Biological Diversity — Abbreviation: CBD The inteRNAtional treaty governing the conservation and use of biological resources around the world, that has also called for the establishment of rules to govern the inteRNAtional movement of non indigenous living organisms… … Glossary of Biotechnology
International Day for Biological Diversity — The International Day for Biological Diversity (or World Biodiversity Day) is a United Nations–sanctioned international holiday for the promotion of biodiversity issues. It is currently held on May 22.From its creation by the Second Committee of… … Wikipedia
convention — /keuhn ven sheuhn/, n. 1. a meeting or formal assembly, as of representatives or delegates, for discussion of and action on particular matters of common concern. 2. U.S. Politics. a representative party assembly to nominate candidates and adopt… … Universalium
biological — biologically, adv. /buy euh loj i keuhl/, adj. 1. pertaining to biology. 2. of or pertaining to the products and operations of applied biology: a biological test. n. 3. Pharm. any substance, as a serum or vaccine, derived from animal products or… … Universalium
Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats — States that have ratified the Bern Convention The Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats 1979, also known as the Bern Convention (or Berne Convention), came into force on June 1, 1982. It has now been signed … Wikipedia
Biodiversity Convention Office — Canada s Biodiversity Convention Office (BCO) [ [ Biodiversity Convention Office] ] serves as National Focal Point for the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity [… … Wikipedia
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change — UNFCCC logo. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC or FCCC) is an international environmental treaty produced at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), informally known as the Earth… … Wikipedia
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification — Global Desertification Vulnerability Map The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa is a Convention to combat desertification and mitigate … Wikipedia